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How do yo be a teachers pet?

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How do yo be a teachers pet?

Discuss this Extract in Relation to the Narration of the Nov

             Discuss this extract in relation to the narration of the novel
             (First person non linear self reflexive narration)
             The handmaid's tale is a first person non-linear self-reflexive narrative and this extract portrays this very well.
             The very first line of the extract shows us that this is a self-reflexive narrative as it says;
             "This is a reconstruction. All of it is a reconstruction. It's a reconstruction now, ?
             As it is how she has perceived these happenings in her life, it also show the way in which she steps out of the narrative and almost talks to the reader rather than just telling what has happened. How she feels now, that it is all a "reconstruction ? which Is no longer. Also her use of "reconstruction ? is through out the How do yo be a teachers, novel. Which leads me to my next point, that it also shows that because it is first person and self reflexive the integrity and reliability is and Origin in the Kingdom, questioned because of all the "reconstruction ?, an ideal quote is also in the extract which shows this idea of unreliability
             "It's impossible to say a thing exact, you always have to leave something out ¦ ?
             This shows that the first person self reflexive narrative has its twist of maybe not being all the truth or missing subjects out as it is only from her point of How do yo be a teachers pet? view, what happened may seem different to how another person would have seen a situation.
             The narrator changes her tone also sometimes correcting her self, giving the same effect as this change in tone and feelings towards something (this quote also shows that the narrative is non-linear)
             "If I get out of here “
             Let's stop there. I intend to get out of here ?
             The tone changes here as it goes from a slight pessimistic view of not being sure if she will ever be able to leave to an optimistic view of Article defiantly "get out of here ? Offred does this through out the novel whi

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